Voix Libres is a swiss humanitarian association which allows children working in mines, garbage dumps and streets to become self-entrepreneurs once they have completed their studies supported by the association. These actions allow a united and sustainable development of the concerned communities.

Mission: To improve the autonomy and dignity of marginalized populations by:

1. Developing alternatives to the inhumane living conditions these children face.

2. Working to eradicate intra-family violence

3. Encouraging entrepreneurship.

Since Voix Libres was founded in 1993, around one million people have been direct beneficiaries of its support. Some 120’000 persons have received interest-free credits and 22 community centres have been financed, comprising foster homes, day-care centers, schools and skills workshops as well as shelters for battered women.

Seventeen united enterprises  have been set up. A direct fair-trade economy between Bolivian producers and Europeen consumers has been introduced to help the poorest of the population. This economy continues to grow.

All donations and micro-credits are allocated to financing projects. Over 80% of the beneficiaries of micro-credits are women.

Through these micro-credits, beneficiaries become responsible and learn a trade that matches their vocation.

Furthermore, the beneficiary communities learn about commitment to the common good and about the importance of ethical values.

Programmes: “Fait treatment” campaigns; prevention and eradication of child labour; education and training; food self-sufficiency; health; micro-credit; creation of small enterprises; creation of infrastructures.

Fondation Albatros is supporting Voix Libres since 2008.

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